

耿裕清 | GENG Yuqing

(English Portfolio at the end)


耿裕清,(1989.10- ),贵州贵阳人,博士、副教授、创新发展研究所主任,主要讲授《工业品营销》、《整合营销沟通》、《管理学》、《市场营销学》等课程。

截至20234月,在SCISSCICSSCI等国内外核心期刊发表论文二十余篇,主持各级各类课题近二十项,主编教材1部,任《Humanities and Social Sciences CommunicationsA&HCISSCI)》《Education Research InternationalESCI)》《Sage Open(SSCI)》等期刊的编委会成员、学术主编,《Journal of Cleaner Production》《Sage Open》《Environment, Development and Sustainability》等10余本核心期刊审稿人,获上海高校青年教师教学竞赛优秀奖、上海电机学院教学成果奖一等奖(排名第一)等各级各类奖项若干。




(其中:2021.07-2023.06 浙江大学杭州研究院,博士后)

2018.09-2020.12 上海电机学院,讲师

2012.09-2018.03 同济大学,工商管理专业,管理学博士

2013.08-2014.06 美国纽约理工学院(NYIT),人力资源管理与劳资关系专业,理学硕士(国家公派)

2008.09-2012.06 同济大学,英语专业,文学学士



Geng Y, Mukasar M. Research Progress of Green Marketing in Sustainable Consumption based on CiteSpace Analysis[J]. Sage Open, 2022, 12(3).

Geng Y, Zhu R. Mukasar M. Bibliometric Review of Carbon Neutrality with CiteSpace: Evolution, Trends, and Framework[J]. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2022.

Geng Y, Mukasar M, Zhang H. Coordinated Interactions between Economy and Atmospheric Environment: Temporal-spatial Comparisons from China[J]. Environment, Development and Sustainability, 2022.

Geng Y, Wang R, Wei Z, Zhai Q. Temporal-Spatial Measurement and Prediction between Air Environment and Inbound Tourism: Case of China[J]. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2021.

Geng Y, Wei Z, Zhang H, Mukasaar M. Analysis and Prediction of the Coupling Coordination Relationship between Tourism and Air Environment: Yangtze River Economic Zone in China as Example[J]. Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society, 2020: 1406978.


耿裕清, 富立友. 工业品营销·微课版[M]. 北京:清华大学出版社, 2022.











副主编,编委会成员(associate editor, member of the editorial board)Humanities and Social Sciences Communications (SSCI/A&HCI) (2023.04-)

学术主编(academic editor)Sage Open (SSCI) (2023.01-)

学术主编、编委会成员(academic editor, member of the editorial board)Education Research International (ESCI) (2021.11-)

审稿专家,International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, Journal of Cleaner Production, Frontiers in Marine Science, Frontiers in Environmental Science, Scientific Reports, Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, PLoS One, Sustainability, Economic Research-Ekonomska Istrazivanja, Environment, Development and Sustainability, Electronics, Sage Open








Publons ResearcherID: AAU-4984-2021

Scopus ID: 57217002524


GENG Yuqing

Brief Portfolio

1. Introduction

GENG Yuqing, PhD., associate professor of the School of Business; director of the Institute of Innovative Development. He teaches courses “B2B marketing”, “integrated marketing communications”, “management”, and “marketing”.

He has published over 20 papers indexed in SCI, SSCI, CSSCI by April 2023, undertook nearly 20 research subjects, published 1 textbook, and served as the editorial board member and academic editor of Humanities and Social Sciences Communications(A&HCI, SSCI), Education Research International (ESCI), and Sage Open (SSCI). Besides, he reviewed some top journals such as Journal of Cleaner Production, Sage Open, Environment, Development and Sustainability, Economic Research, etc. He has won several awards in Shanghai Teaching Competition, Teaching Achievements Award of Shanghai Dianji University.

For more information, please visit: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0472-3866

2. Working & Education Experiences

Associate Professor, Postgraduate Supervisor, Shanghai Dianji University, Shanghai, China; 2021.01-Curr.

Post-doc., Zhejiang University, Zhejiang, China; 2021.07-2023.06

Lecturer, Shanghai Dianji University, Shanghai, China; 2018.09-2020.12

PhD in Business Management, Tongji University, China; 2012.09-2018.03

MSc in Human Resource Management and Labor Relations, New York Institute of Technology, U.S.A.; 2013.08-2014.05

BA in English, Tongji University, China; 2008.09-2012.06

3. Representative Outputs

Representative Publications

Geng Y, Mukasar M. Research Progress of Green Marketing in Sustainable Consumption based on CiteSpace Analysis[J]. Sage Open, 2022, 12(3).

Geng Y, Zhu R. Mukasar M. Bibliometric Review of Carbon Neutrality with CiteSpace: Evolution, Trends, and Framework[J]. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2022.

Geng Y, Mukasar M, Zhang H. Coordinated Interactions between Economy and Atmospheric Environment: Temporal-spatial Comparisons from China[J]. Environment, Development and Sustainability, 2022.

Geng Y, Wang R, Wei Z, Zhai Q. Temporal-Spatial Measurement and Prediction between Air Environment and Inbound Tourism: Case of China[J]. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2021.

Geng Y, Wei Z, Zhang H, Mukasaar M. Analysis and Prediction of the Coupling Coordination Relationship between Tourism and Air Environment: Yangtze River Economic Zone in China as Example[J]. Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society, 2020: 1406978.


Geng Y, Fu L. B2B marketing. Beijing: Tsinghua University Press, 2022.

Representative Teaching Programs

Model Course of Shanghai: industrial product marketing, 2021.11-2022.11

Key course of Shanghai: integrated marketing communications, 2022.07-2024.06

Representative Research Programs

The Chinese Society for Technical and Vocational Education Annual Research Project: differentiated development path of cultural tourism in the counties of the Yangtze River Delta under the background of common prosperity, 2022.09-2022.12

Research Project of the Union in Shanghai Education System: study on the curriculum optimization of application-oriented undergraduate marketing majors based on school-enterprise cooperation, 2022.05-2022.12

Project of Party Construction Research Committee of Shanghai: research on promoting the education of Chinese national consciousness in application-oriented universities, 2022.05-2022.12

Research Project of the Union in Shanghai Education System: coupling mechanism of higher education development and female equality promotion in college, 2021.06-2021.12

Shanghai Educational Science Research Project: coupling mechanism of party building work and talent training in university, 2020.10-2023.06

4. Academic Services

Associate editor; member of the editorial board: Humanities and Social Sciences Communications (SSCI/A&HCI) (2023.04-Curr.)

Academic editor: Sage Open (SSCI) (2023.01-Curr.)

Academic editor, member of the editorial board: Education Research International (ESCI) (2021.11-Curr.)

Reviewer: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, Journal of Cleaner Production, Frontiers in Marine Science, Frontiers in Environmental Science, Scientific Reports, Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, PLoS One, Sustainability, Economic Research-Ekonomska Istrazivanja, Environment, Development and Sustainability, Electronics, Sage Open

5. Contact Information

Email: gengyq@sdju.edu.cn

Portfolio website:



Publons ResearcherID: AAU-4984-2021

Scopus ID: 57217002524
